Social Media Management Packages

Want to learn social media?
Or, have no interest in social media, but know your business needs it?

We've been trained by the best in the industry and are excited to share our knowledge with you! Whether you need a speaker, trainer, coach or manager we're here to help solve your social media problems with ease. We're here to maintain your platforms for you or coach you on how to do it yourself.


Customized to Fit Your Needs

Facebook Business Page

LinkedIn Company Page

Pinterest for Business

Social Media Profile Set Up

How, When, What & Where to post

Creating Images for Social Media

Business Marketing Strategies


Great for Networking Groups

Social Media Strategy

Marketing Bootcamps

Facebook Marketing

Time Management with Social Media

Facebook Ads




Marketing Department Support

Social Media Platforms

Facebook Posting Strategies

Streaming Posts to Multiple

Facebook Ads

Google Adwords

Photoshop, Illustrator
& InDesign Training

It's 2016 and if you aren't incorporating social media into your marketing, then you're losing your competitive edge and losing customers. While these lists of social media services are what's most requested from us, we will create a package to suite your unique needs. We have a certficate in Social Media Management and consider ourselves experts in this field. It all starts with a social media strategy that is put in place to meet your business goals. We'll help you strategize and create a plan for you based on proven methods to get results with social media. We can train you how to maintain your own platforms or we will do everything for you. After consulting with us you'll feel confident to go forth and be social!

We love our clients and we love what we do.

For us, collaboration is the name of the game. We will collaborate with you to develop highly creative and unique branding, print, web and social media solutions for projects and businesses big and small. There are no cookie-cutter ideas here! Our partnership will be founded on collaboration and focused on producing high-impact results. Whether it be a freshening up of your logo, a responsive website made from scratch, a direct mailer, social media strategies to bring your business more traffic or anything in between — we are your answer and your solution. Do your business a favor and turn that lackluster caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly today.


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